Privacy Policy

This store strictly protects and manages your personal information in accordance with relevant laws.

The details of the collection and use of personal information below are as follows.

You have the right to reject this consent, in which case your application for registration may be restricted. Among the terms used in this agreement, terms not otherwise specified in this agreement have been used with the meanings determined by the Personal Information Protection Act and relavant laws.

Classification Offer/ Consignee Collected Information Purpose Retention period
Personal information collection and uses Store/shop English name/ Korean name, date of birth, gender, address, phone number, email, bank account information, credit card information Member management, marketing The date of cancellation for purpose of use, and gender information are one year from the date of termination (prevention of recurrence of error member) the period separately prescribed by the relevant laws
Collect personal information Store/shop Date of birth, gender. Identification Same as above
Consent to provide personal information to third parties Top salesperson. For sponsored door to door salesperson Name, member number, purchase, or sale performance. Organizational composition verification, Sub- salesperson sponsorship training. The date of cancellation for purpose of use
Consignment consent for processing person information Economy Lab Name, date of birth, gender, address, delivery address, phone number, telephone number, email, account information Consignment of business support for integrated goal center service in accordance with the attached agreement of the sale contract. The date of cancellation for purpose of use

The above information includes not only information at the time of registration, but also information that has been changed due to modification of the information.

I have fully understood the contents of this agreement, and I agree to the collection and use of the above personal information.

  • Personal information protection officer and Department in charge
  • Person in charge of Personal information protection: CEO Kim Jong Min
  • Personal information protection manager: Executive Vice President Joo Jin Kyung
  • Department: Computer Development Department
  • Tel: 010-4273-0383
  • Email: